The short answer is YES!
But let’s dive deeper into the importance of print products. I will be honest, in this digital age printing images can feel unnecessary or even tedious. Nowadays, all you have to do is swipe to your photos, and WALAH your entire wedding gallery is at your fingertips. BUT what happens if you lose your phone or your hard drive is corrupt? Many of those precious moments can be lost. There is something greater and more beautiful that prints provide. 100 years from now when your family gathers around the table for holiday dinner, how special would it be to open a customized album with you and your partner as the main characters?

Your family will be able to hold this album made with love and designed by you, and pass it around. The pages are thick, the colors are rich, but most importantly the images within these pages tell a story, your story. This album will become your family’s prized possession and heirloom. Your future children may have it on a legacy table at their own weddings! The beautiful fact about photography is that; though you will feel such pride and joy when you see your photos, they are not just for you. They are a connection between then and now, the past and the future. Years from now when your great-grandchildren, nieces and nephews, and future cousins wonder where it all began someone will blow the dust off of your album and confidently reply. “Let me show you!”.

I include albums in my top two wedding collections and they are available to ALL clients because I believe in legacy and the power of print. It is important that you get your photos off of electronic mediums and take them in. High-quality prints provide a tangible heirloom that can stand the test of time. Photography connects the future with the past. Photos give faces to names, and feelings to emptiness your loved ones may feel when you are gone. Photos bring comfort and peace to aching hearts. Photos provide a connection when your children can no longer touch you. Photos connect families through eye shapes, big lips, and widow’s peaks. Photos bring joy when times are hard. Photos take us back in time and evoke emotion that we felt in past moments. Photos are priceless.

These are the things I think about when someone asks me why they should invest in an album. Also because I am a photographer. My work is the connection between now and then, I am the artist of the present for the future, and I create heirlooms that will speak your love story when you can’t. It is never too late to print your photos (unless you can’t find the digitals to print from). If you are interested in printing your images, adding an album to your collection, or if you are a past couple and want to discuss your options, use the link below to contact me- I would love to help bring your images to life.